My Background

My father was in the Air Force, so as an Air Force brat, I moved around a bit when I was younger. I've lived in Colorado since 1975, so not quite a native, but close.  I've lived in the suburbs, Boulder, Aspen, and for the most part in Denver. Through all these moves I've discovered that I'm a city girl at heart. I do love the ocean though and love my getaways to the beach.

Kathy Hawkins

I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school.  While I'm no longer a practicing Catholic, I consider myself spiritual.  All different religions, beliefs, non-beliefs, and spirituality in general are fascinating to me.  The foundation of my spirituality is my own experience and connection to others.

In college I started out as an Art Major, soon to be sidetracked into the restaurant business where I did every job imaginable, including owning my own restaurant. I did, however, leave the cooking to the professionals. That is an art in and of itself.  I loved the restaurant business.  So many interesting people, and something new every day.  But through the years, I always wanted to finish my degree. After a few false starts, I finally completed my bachelor’s degree in Political Science.  I contemplated law school or getting my PhD in order to teach, but ultimately decided (with a little help from a Shaman friend) to get my Masters in Counseling Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and haven't looked back since.  The common denominator in all of these areas?  Serving and working with people.  I can't imagine doing anything else.

Life is a  wondrous series of experiences and I've had so many - some filled with pain and others filled with joy, and everything in between.  I've dealt with many different life transitions - love, loss, career change, caregiving, illness, and I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks from time to time.  These are all part of my human experience and these experiences drew me to counseling and sharing in other humans' experiences.

Kathy Hawkins standing under a sign

I love learning about other people, their strengths and their challenges.  And I've learned a lot about myself through the years.  I simply love learning.  If I could go to school the rest of my life, I would.  I hope that this makes me a better therapist. My interests are all over the place including photography, turning my brown thumb into a green thumb, and becoming better at cooking.  I meditate.  I'm intrigued by the metaphysical. And I'm a huge Broncos fan.  I used to be a night owl and now I'm an early riser.  I used to be a couch potato and now I'm running and doing yoga. I'm still trying to get the gym thing going though. I've grown up and I've grown through.  At least for me, that's the point.  Hopefully I can help you grow as well.  Oh, and I love, love, love animals and I have the most amazing dog ever. No, really.

A Happy Dog looking up